Go get your bike

Are you about to go travel and love exploring your destinations by bike?

I love traveling and I love biking so I have set up a app to make it easy to know if I can combine my passions at the places I visit.

Around the world cities offer public bike-sharing programmes​. The world's first bike share program "White Fietsenplan", started in Amsterdam back in 1965. The systems offer cities a new, sustainable, healthy form of public transport that fills the gaps that buses and trams can’t reach, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

To get started just choose if you're going to stay in Europe or if you're crossing the Atlantic:

To be able to select a city you need to click any of the buttons above.

To get rollin' is easy

When you found your favorite city and feel hungry to go biking just follow the steps on how to get rollin'. HAPPY BIKING!

Ride Safe

Make sure you always use a helmet. If you want to know more about how to avoid getting hit by cars you can read all about how to BicycleSafe.